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    作者: 日期:2019-12-30 点击量:

    会议时间:20191231日(周二) 8:30-11:00


    1.开幕式: 8:30-8:40

    2Session 1: 8:40-9:40,主持人:李云霞教授

    [1] 刘波, Assessing the Role of Informal Economy in Linkage, Output and Employment Effects for China——An Input-output Analysis

    [2] 石薇,水资源资产负债表编制方法研究

    [3] 朱宗元,担保承诺、道德风险与金融监管:基于P2P的经验证据

    [4] 罗季,Causal Discovery for Non-experimental Data in Partial Linear Model

    3Tea break: 9:40-9:50

    4Session 2: 9:50-10:50,主持人:郑光教授

    [5] 陈国元,Symplectic algorithms for stable manifolds in control theory

    [6] 郑超,Multi-level Monte Carlo simulation for the Heston stochastic volatility model

    [7] 王毅,Partial components of cluster-lag consensus for secondorder multi-agent systems with adaptive controller on cooperative-competitive networks

    [8] 季家兵,Improved Restricted Isometry Conditions for Compressed Sensing




    上一条:关于举办首届“数据科学与现代经济统计”论坛的通知 下一条:关于浙江省一流学科A类(浙江财经大学统计学)2019年规划项目评审结果的公示
