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    作者: 日期:2024-06-14 点击量:

    课程名称: AI Alignment


    Abstract: The course introduces fundamental concepts in AI safety and alignment, providing an opportunity for participants to engage with, evaluate, and discuss these concepts. AI alignment aims to ensure that AI systems are developed in accordance with human values, goals, and preferences, with the goal of preventing harm, promoting fairness and transparency, and positively contributing to society while minimizing risks. However, achieving alignment poses challenges, including ensuring value alignment across diverse contexts, addressing conflicts between AI goals and human objectives, preventing unintended consequences, and navigating ethical considerations and long-term societal impacts. As AI systems become increasingly capable and general, questions remain about how to build systems that are controllable, aligned with human intentions, and interpretable. The course begins with an introduction to foundational technical topics such as deep learning, generative AI, large language models, and reinforcement learning. Building upon this technical foundation, the course covers AI safety considerations, including topics such as reinforcement learning for human feedback, scalable oversight mechanisms, mechanistic interpretability, technical governance approaches, and best practices for deploying and testing AI projects responsibly.




    陆海兵圣克拉拉大学莱维商学院教授,系主任陆教授的研究领域为人工智能公平与治理、数据安全与隐私、大数据分析和云计算,研究成果入选《联合国报告》,并获得2021年度AACSB创新激励奖、2023年度M&SOM最佳论文奖,数十篇学术论文在IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, ACM Transactions on MIS, INFORMS Journal on Computing, M&SOM等国际高水平顶刊,多次入选包括S&PKDDICDMICDE等计算机科学等国际顶级学术会议。陆教授学术和专业见解发表在《纽约时报》、《今日美国》、《福布斯》、《连线》等媒体杂志上,获得PARCGrooveGEIRI North AmericaUltimate SoftwareAKTANAMarkkula Center等研究项目。

    Haibing Lu,Professor and Department Co-Chair, Information Systems & AnalyticsLeavey School of BusinessSanta Clara University.

    Dr. Lu's research expertise spans a wide range of areas, including AI fairness and governance, data security & privacy, big data analytics and cloud computing. His notable achievements include being featured in the UN Report, winning the prestigious AACSB Innovations That Inspires Award, receiving the M&SOM Best Paper award, and repeated recognition through the SCU Leavey Business School's honors for Exceptional Research, Teaching, and Service.

    Dr. Lu's scholarly contributions comprise a collection of highly-cited papers published in renowned journals such as IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, ACM Transactions on MIS, INFORMS Journal on Computing, M&SOM, etc. His research has also been presented at prominent computer science conferences, including S&P, KDD, ICDM, and ICDE.

    Dr. Lu's expertise and insights have been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, Forbes, WIRED, etc. His research initiatives have been supported by a number of institutions including PARC, Groove, GEIRI North America, Ultimate Software, AKTANA, and Markkula Center, among others.
