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  • 学术活动
    作者: 日期:2023-04-24 点击量:

    题 目:Threshold dynamics of a spatial diffusion schistosomiasismodel with seasonal and nonlocal transmissions


    时 间:2023年4月27日(周)1330-1430

    地 点:6号学院楼500会议室

    主办单位:数据科学学院 浙江省2011“数据科学与大数据分析协同创新中心”


    Schistosomiasis is a kind of parasitic disease, which mainly caused by schistosomiasisjaponicum parasitism. Spatial diffusion, spatial heterogeneity, nonlocal effectively contact (this property can be described by some integral functions), and seasonal pattern have been identified in theinfection mechanism of schistosomiasis. In this paper, we formulate a spatial diffusion schistosomiasismodel with seasonal and nonlocal transmissions to investigate the impact of interesting factors on thetransmission dynamics of schistosomiasis. We derive the functional expression of the next generationoperator R(x) and define the basic reproduction number R0 as the spectral radius of R(x). We alsoshow that the threshold dynamics of the system, which determined by R0, i.e., the schistosomiasis-freeperiodic steady state is global attractive when R0 < 1 and the uniform persistence of the disease holdsfor R0 > 1. Numerical simulations are conducted to verified the theoretical results and investigate theinfluences of factor factors on schistosomiasis transmissions. Our works suggest that schistosomiasis isless prevalent in regions of river with fast current than in those with slow current. In this way, considering the spatial heterogeneity, government departments should take corresponding control measuresfor different river and lake basins.



    吴鹏,应用数学博士,研究方向是动力系统理论研究及其应用,主要研究内容是HIV/AIDS传染病动力学建模与研究(ODE,PDE建模、数值分析、最优控制问题)。以第一作者在Journal of FranklinInstitute、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications、Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B、高校应用数学学报、系统科学与数学等应用数学和生物数学方面知名SCI及国内权威学术期刊发表论文20余篇。


    上一条:数据科学学院讲座信息——广岛修道大学张南教授 下一条:数据科学学院暨数据科学与大数据分析协同创新中心举办2022-2023学年 第十一期学术沙龙
