主 讲 人:美国圣塔克拉拉大学陆海兵教授
主办单位:数据科学学院 浙江省2011“数据科学与大数据分析协同创新中心”
摘 要:This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to natural language processing (NLP) with a focus on deep learning techniques. We will explore various aspects of NLP, including text classification, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, machine translation, and language generation. We will also introduce massive pre-trained language models, which form the basis of all state-of-the-art systems across a wide range of tasks and have shown an impressive ability to generate fluent text and perform few-shot learning. As large language models are hard to understand and give rise to new ethical and scalability challenges, we will explore the fundamentals about the modeling, theory, ethics, and systems aspects of large language models.
内容:1. Overview of human language understanding & reasoning with demo of large language models
Introduction to NLP
ChatGPT Demo
Midjourney Demo
Prompt engineering
时 间:2023年6月26日早上8:30-11:00,下午14:00-16:30
内 容:2. Natural language processing I
Basic text processing
Document classification
Sentiment analysis
Native bayes
Information Retrieval
时 间:2023年6月27日早上8:30-11:00,下午14:00-16:30
内 容:3. Natural language processing II
Vector semantics and embeddings
Part of speech and named entity detection
Recommender systems
时 间:2023年6月28日早上8:30-11:00,下午14:00-16:30
内 容:4. Large language models
Attention mechanisms
时 间:2023年6月29日早上8:30-11:00,下午14:00-16:30
内 容:5. Ethical and Social Issues in Natural Language Processing
AI risks and ethics
Landscape of legal regulations
Principles of AI governance
Research directions
时 间:2023年6月30日早上8:30-11:00,下午14:00-16:30
陆海兵教授现任圣塔克拉拉大学运营管理和信息系统系的系主任,主要研究方向是大数据挖掘分析和信息安全。在国际顶级期刊和会议上发表了70多篇高引用率的论文。包括IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Security Computing , INFORMS Journal on Computing, Journal of Computer Security, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining,和IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering。